Lessons,  Management

Leadership with Integrity


Leading with trust and integrity was never more important than it is now. With many people working from home, motivation can be difficult for all of us. Personally I would much rather get back to day-to-day operations than worrying about the health and welfare of our employees and their families. Sometimes I get bogged down by the weight of it all.

The thing I’ve done that been most helpful to me has been one-on-one video calls with my fellow teammates. They are quick 2-10 minute calls to just catch up. I don’t know if it’s helped them at all, but it’s helped me tremendously. We made the call early to send everyone to work from home — we are very lucky that we are able to do that and still operate our business. Having these conversations and see that they are healthy and coping makes me happy. So far, everyone is healthy.

I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy.


Original article from Harvard Business Review: Leading with Trust

Image Source: Philadelphia Museum of Art.  “A Womand and a Girl Driving by Mary Stevenson Cassatt 1844. Oil on canvas.
Label: “The modern subject matter, odd viewpoint, and blurred detail of this painting make it strikingly different from those of Cassatt’s American contemporaries. Though born and raised in Pennsylvania, Cassatt traveled to France for additional artistic training and remained there for the rest of her life. In Paris she took up the radical stylistic innovations of the Impressionists, becoming the only American invited to join their ranks.”